Let me give you a preview of the MiXiT 2017 program for those who want to see something else than code and servers, in order to wait until the complete program of the conference to be released.
For those who didn’t know, MiXiT was founded by the JUG and the Agile Club of Lyon, giving a particular taste to the conference since the beginning. Not a technical conference nor an agilist one, some of both: do the right thing and do it right. But we found these two criterias too limitative for us: dev stuff vs agilist stuff.

Last year we deprecated this dev/agile split in favor of using tech/no tech terminology. Goulven Champenois and Marie-cécile Paccard talked about Burnout, Nicolas Deverge about Lean Startup and the famous Allan Kelly about its approach Xanpan.

We have to admit that tech/no tech was not very sexy: we had to find a more representative structure for MiXiT.
So, for this new edition of MiXiT, we have restructured our no tech categories making them more explicit: teams, products, pedagogy in general, and off topic. By a systemic effect, we had more diversified suggestions than usual:

- Linda Rising, american consultant and co-author of the book “Fearless Change”, will come especially from Nashville to talk about “Myths and patterns of organizational change“ which slows down companies innovation.

Caroline Van Renterghem, founder of the Lyon company Wair, who build design and connected antipollutions masks and who caused a stir at the last CES Las Vegas, will come to share her experience as an entrepreneur and how she built her company from just an idea.
Sandrine Berger-Douce, teacher at the school Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, will talk about shared values creation through the responsible management and how this concept will be able to answers stakes of the 21st century.
Jean-Michel Degeorge, teacher at the school Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, will talk about entrepreneurship through its history, its context, and the means made available to entrepreneurs.
Marie-Cécile Paccard will invite us to rethink our way of working towards its major part in our existence and the impact it has on us. She will talk about burnout, new kind of companies, taylorism, sociology, well being at work, universal basic income...
Matthew Philip, agile coach from Saint Louis, USA, will come to host a #NoEstimates Game, workshop which allow you to understand what is behind this movement and learn how to reduce variations in your flow inducing your delivery capacity.

- With Anne Gabrillagues and Arnaud Gonzales, you will discover Kanban through an excellent and playful workshop “À la découverte de Kanban avec Kanbanzine!” created by Alexis Nicolas. Be an editorial staff and try to make the best paper ever in time.
But MiXiT innovates this year with an all new place for design, as a problem solver using creativity, sociological studies and technology, in order to succeed.
Do you know Soft Robotic? Trend of robotic where robots are built with soft, flexible materials. Kari Love, soft roboticist working as a consultant with NASA, will come to explain how this technic is used to answer issues of today spatial exploration.
Cynthia Savard Saucier, design manager at Shopify, will host a Wiresketching workshop and will teach you how to communicate ideas through a visual language for interfaces as the perfect drawer you are (or not).
Stéphane Doncieux, computing teacher Université Pierre et Marie Curie, will talk about robotic, and more precisely about behavioural robotic. How to give robots adaptative abilities like an animal or a human ? Stephane will show today approaches, particularly those from the european project DREAM.

- Marine Cloux and Sylvia Cohen, Product Owners, will host a workshop about Design Thinking, d.school way. In less than two hours, go through all the Design Thinking steps. A good way to begin the subject!
A busy schedule but a diversified one. Tell us if you have difficulties to choose your sessions... But be sure of that: you won’t be alone!