MiXiT conference will start in few days and this article explains how optimize your days.
MiXiT website
You can watch the program on our schedule page. Every session is described on the talks page. The schedule page offers a synthetic view and the talk page gives you all the details about sessions and their speakers.
This year you can log in on our website. It's very simple: click on the padlock image on the right corner on the top of the website.

You have to use your email address. If you are unknown to our database, we just ask you to define your first name and your last name.

We never give any information about our attendees to our partners or sponsors. We don't store any password and your email address is ebcrypted. A token is sent to the provided email address. In this email, you just need to click on the connect button.

You are now connected. You can update your data with the followed button in the menu bar:

When you are online you can mark each session as favorite on the talks page. And you can filter your favorite sessions with the link on the top of this page:

Our website uses service workers: pages and resources are stored in your browser cache and when you have no connection, the visited pages can still be reloaded. It's important because the Wifi in the University is not very fast. And we prefer to reserve it for the workshops and our speakers. But you can use 3G or 4G.
MiXiT Android App
If you want a better experience on Android you can load our app on the Google store. We are very happy to have this year two googlers of the Android team: Romain Guy and Chet Haase. So we decided to write a new Android app in Kotlin. This app has several shortcuts to navigate to the conference place (CPE Lyon) or at the party (thursday night in Lyon City Hall).
In this version you can't read favorites defined on our website. If you are interested by this feature, we can add it next year. For the moment you can add your favorite talks on your own calendar. For example if you want to see the conference about Modern Android development:

You just have to click to the add button to add the event in your calendar.
If you don’t want to allow our app to access your calendar, this is not an issue for the MiXiT app; it will continue to work fine.
Create your own app
If you want to create your own app with MiXiT data, you can use our JSON API. It’s very simple, we expose these services
https://mixitconf.org/api/user : list all users (attendee registered on our website, sprakers and staff members) https://mixitconf.org/api/event : list all event sponsors (except those of the first edition) https://mixitconf.org/api/2018/talk : list 2018 talks
If you have developped a mobile app, please contact us, we will add it to this article.
Thanks to Vincent Tourraine, who create an app for IOS. You can find it on App Store and see the source code on Github.