The conference for ethics and diversity in tech
with crêpes and love Mixit heart


The Beyond Scrum Game

How do we evolve beyond the definition of Scrum and become truly Hyper Productive?

In this workshop you will be invited on a journey where Scrum grows beyond the Scrum Framework, and becomes a team culture where teams work collaboratively to deliver value, learn, and to continuously improve – all in pursuit of a clear purpose.

Get ready for a fun time where you will be able to learn and play at the same time.

Come and join the game!

Makers Makers

Allan Rennebo Jepsen

I am an Agile enthusiast, DRiVE practitioner, UnBoss believer, Leadership thinker, Scrum Coach, Cultural Change Agent and probably a whole lot more. My passion is to help businesses succeed by allowing the employees to grow – both individually and together. To achieve that, I of course utilize many different frameworks and practices – like Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, etc., but my main focus is always on how the changes supports the need of the employees and customers in the best possible way. I am an active member of the Business Agility and Agile communities, founder of Agile Copenhagen and speaker at conferences around the world.

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