The conference for ethics and diversity in tech
with crêpes and love Mixit heart

Speaker 2022

Ophélie Coelho

Institut Rousseau / Observatoire de l'éthique publique

Specialist in digital geopolitics, Ophélie Coelho is an independent researcher, member of the scientific council of the Rousseau Institute and the Observatory of Public Ethics. Her field of research focuses on technological dependencies in the geopolitical context, including the environmental issues raised by the territorialization of infrastructures. She is also currently an user researcher at the interministerial digital directorate, a great field for understanding how digital is managed at state level, and has been working in the digital industry since 2009, first as a front-end developer then product manager within companies and start-ups.

    2022 -Enjeux géopolitiques des infrastructures numériques

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    • #KEYNOTE

    Le numérique est d'abord une affaire de territoire, où se jouent l'accaparement des ressources, le jeu des négocations inhérentes à l'interdépendance des réseaux et, aujourd'hui, de nouvelles aires de conquête spatiale. Face aux déséquilibres géopolitiques, quels sont les enjeux pour l'Europe ?

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