Until the complete program of the conference is released let me give you a preview of the MiXiT 2017 technical program.
Let's start with the languages: Java 9 should be released this summer so let's talk about Java... 10! Rémi Forax will introduce the new upcoming features.

Staying on the JVM, we will have the great pleasure to host Andrey Breslav, the father of the Kotlin language. He will talk about the future of the language and how agile can be applied to the development of a language. Stéphane Nicoll will give us a preview of Spring Boot 2.0. Are you tired of virtual machines and prefer system languages? Between China and Brazil Hanneli Tavante will stop by in Lyon to present the Rust language.
If you are more interested in the 'front' side of the force, take a look at Elm and how it interoperates smoothly with your existing Javascript application.

Let's stay in the browser with WebAssembly : imagine if you could compile from your favorite language to some kind of assembly that the browser can execute (we are not talking about transpilation to messy code!). WebAssembly brings a performance increase that allows new use cases which will be introduced by Benjamin Bouvier, Mozilla developer.
You can't find how to align 2 CSS elements? Don't miss the workshop of Raphael Goetter from Alsacréation on flexbox. Go one step further and learn how write your popover, modals, tabs without Javascript. And then have a look at how you can create all the the country flags in the world using only CSS! The web also wants to go mobile, we'll see that with Progressive Web Apps and React Native.

Are you wondering how to keep your data secure? Good news: Dr. Bart Butler Protonmail CTO, the 1st encrypted mail service, will explain how they develop their application with privacy by design and cryptography in the browser. You prefer to take the red pill ? Head to the Mr Robot workshop to discover and exploit security flaws. After that you will probably want to secure your data, Cryptomator will show how their service encrypts on the client side before sending your data in the cloud.
Speaking of cloud, we'll have a look at serverless apps and hyper scalability with a concrete feedback. Of course we'll talk about containers with another feedback on Docker into production to help you avoid bad times during your first production deployment. You will also have the opportunity to send your containers in space to attack the death star in a workshop on CoreOs, Ansible, Fleet and Kubernetes.
You are more into data science than science fiction but don't know where to start ? Begin with a tour of the libraries you will need for machine learning then see how you can free your data to get the best of it and finally visualize them during the workshop on D3.js.

Not concrete enough? Dive into deep learning for the time of a workshop where you will write a kitten detection algorithm with Tensorflow.
We keep a few surprises under the hood and hope you will find a good mix of things you'll be able to apply next monday and what's coming in the next years.
Do you have any feedback? some missing themes you wanted to see? let us know and see you soon!