MiXiT 2022 is the rebirth edition: one conference, with crêpes, heart, aliens, as usual, but real human beings in real life above all. Among these pleasures, we are happy to offer you again a new party, in a beautiful building, on the evening of the first day (May 24th 2022).
During previous editions, the Grand Lyon organisation offered us the amazing Hôtel de Ville of Lyon. But we will have a new scenery this year: the party will be held in la Chapelle de la Trinité.

It was first a Jesuit chapel, then sheltered the first astronomic observatory of Lyon, Napoleon founded the Italian Republic there, it was gymnasium for some time, and today it proposes cultural events like classical music concerts. It is protected as a French Historic Building since 1939.
Thanks to the Métropole de Lyon for supporting MiXiT, by offering a beautiful party place again!