After 2 great editions at La Manufacture des Tabacs (Lyon 3) which we would like to thank again for having us, we are really happy to tell you that the renovations are over at CPE, which means MiXiT is coming back home for its 2023 edition!
And that’s not all… There is also a brand new building at our disposition to accommodate both attendees and partners more comfortably and who knows, maybe even propose new sessions formats!

“Charles showing the path to the Light”, 2022.
Yep, you read that right! We’re currently working on new sessions formats to offer but that is another story… more about it a next article! 😏
In the meantime, you have until the 24th of January to register to our lottery and have a chance to be with us on the 13th & 14th of April. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter if you don’t want to miss a thing about this new edition!
Lottery results will be announced from the 25th of January, stay tuned!