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The Future of Kotlin: How agile can language development be?

A successful project usually grows, and Kotlin is no exception. We are adding new targets (JavaScript and Native) and new computation models (coroutines). This talk is about our vision of the future of Kotlin as a language and a ecosystem.

Tech Tech

We'll talk strategy: what we think our industry needs at large and how we are going to fit Kotlin into this picture. We'll talk tactics: how we deal with legacy and compatibility issues, and whether there will ever be Kotlin 2.0. We'll talk operations: can we do “continuous delivery” for language features? Or, more generally, how agile can language development be?

Andrey Breslav

Andrey, the lead language designer for Kotlin, began his career at Borland, where he worked on language implementations for MDA support. After spending a few years as a college teacher, he joined JetBrains in 2010 to develop the Kotlin programming language.

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