La conférence pour l'éthique et la diversité dans la tech
avec des crêpes et du cœur Mixit heart

Speaker 2018

Sebastian Golasch

Deutsche Telekom

Sebastian works as a “Specialist Senior Manager Software Developer” at Deutsche Telekom, after some time developing backend applications with Java and PHP he became a citizen of the JavaScript world. Recently he´s getting his hands dirty with Python and Rust. For the last six years Sebastian tries to improve our lives, working on Deutsche Telekoms Smart Home platform Qivicon.

Famous last words: “If I would’ve wanted to work in ‘Enterprise’, I’d have joined Starfleet…”

    2018 -The dark ages of IoT

    • #TALK

    Advertisements suggest that we are at the zenith of mankind's scientific knowledge and technological power, but when it comes to IoT and the so-called 'Smart Home', we are clearly not. In fact, we are in the middle of the dark age.

    I'll explain the challenges that we're facing today (from an implementors perspective), what's 'wrong' with our current products & show you how a smart 'Smart Home' experience could look like in the near future.

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