La conférence pour l'éthique et la diversité dans la tech
avec des crêpes et du cœur Mixit heart

Speaker 2019

Elisabeth Engel

Elisabeth is a UX & tech innovator and a travel enthusiast. She is passionate about lean UX, web performance and usability testing. While exploring new places all around the world, she's always on the hunt for fresh UX & frontend inspirations.

    2019 -The Illusion of Speed: Hacking Users' Perception

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    Perceived page speed is all about the first visual impression. But what if you could make it seem to be even faster than it really is? What if we could make use of the strongly filtered and interpreted human perception of speed?

    This talk will dive deeper into human perception and the assumptions we all make intuitively. You will learn how to manipulate time perception to make your page seem even faster than it technically is. This will include embedded content placeholders to provide a smooth loading experience, the clever use of animations and optimistic UI elements, as well as skillful distractions.

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