La conférence pour l'éthique et la diversité dans la tech
avec des crêpes et du cœur Mixit heart

Speaker 2018

Beren Van Daele

I’m a software tester from Belgium who helps shape teams and testers to improve on their work and their understanding of testing. I’m an organizer of BREWT: the Belgian Peer conference & a test meetup in his hometown: Gent. The creative brain behind Test Sphere and speaker at Test Bash Manchester and Eurostar 2016. My dream is to become a test coach for people that nobody believes in anymore or no longer believe in themselves. People that have motivation and will, but no luck. I want to tap into that potential and give them the opportunity to become awesome tester.

    2018 -(Re)invent your test strategy


    Testing is a craft, but it is also and for many foremost a job. A job you do day in day out, evolving with all the rituals every employee develops over time. These rituals, together with all sorts of other external factors (deadlines, pressure, etc.) often means that we don’t have a test strategy or that we are no longer reconsidering the strategies we set out from the start. Having the right strategy in testing is important to stay as efficient and effective as you can be.

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