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Hexagonal architecture: a simple and powerful architecture, set up quickly

Even if many have heard of it but few have seen it, the hexagonal architecture is not an Arlesian. The goal here will be to show everyone, both beginners and experts, that this architecture is really simple to implement.

Tech Tech

Even if many have heard of it but few have seen it, the hexagonal architecture is not an Arlesian. The goal here will be to show everyone, both beginners and experts, that this architecture is really simple to implement. It has many advantages:

  • separation of business and technical code,
  • establishment of a Domain Specific Language,
  • testability of the business code,
  • scalability of the technical code relating to infrastructure,
  • facility for technological monitoring.

In short, everything is good in hexagonal architecture.

This three-hour session will be divided as follows:

  • a presentation of 30 minutes maximum alternating definition of each of its concepts and their implementation in a Java project.
  • a kata of 60 minutes max on a business domain to be used in the next part
  • implementation for 60 minutes max of adapters showing the power and simplicity of this architecture.
  • 15 minutes of Q / A and concept development

The result of this workshop was implemented on new projects in the banking sector. This made it possible to avoid recurring pitfalls on the testability and quality of the developed code ^^. References

Meetup where this workshop has been facilitated:

Here is a the kata's github:

The attendees needs to have a JDK and Maven installed and an IDE of their choice.

Dan Magier

Tasmanian Devil Developer, father of the first and the last, coach Craft and DevOps culture, founder of HEIWA-IT (2017) and co-founder of PaxLeones.
Help teams to deliver more efficiently by providing them methodologies and tools.

DDD, BDD and TDD lover.
Love to organize Eventstorming, EventModeling and example mapping workshops.

Develop mostly in Java but not only.

Organizer of the following meetups:

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