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Tips for better problem-solving

Unfortunately, those of us who struggle with complex problems for a living don't have time to keep up with the enormous amount of cognitive science research that could help us become better thinkers, better problem solvers, and better decision makers.

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Having devoted more than ten years to researching the fast-moving fields that almost daily reveal new information, Linda shares what she has uncovered—some of it surprising, some even counterintuitive. She summarizes the research and provides concrete tips for improving your individual, team, and organizational abilities. Most of us sit all day, believing that concentrating without moving, in a room with no natural light, drinking too much caffeine, after our usual night of less than six hours of sleep is the way to get work done. Linda offers ways to incorporate movement, take a break, change focus, brighten our environments, think better, and be happier. Learn the latest tips for boosting your problem-solving power.

Linda Rising

Linda Rising is an independent consultant who lives near Nashville, Tennessee. Linda has a Ph.D. from Arizona State University in the area of object-based design metrics. Her background includes university teaching as well as work in industry in telecommunications, avionics, and tactical weapons systems. She is an internationally known presenter on topics related to agile development, patterns, retrospectives, the change process, and the connection between the latest neuroscience and software development. Linda is the author of numerous articles and several books. The latest, More Fearless Change, co-authored with Mary Lynn Manns. Her web site is:

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