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Hands-on gRPC experience building your own multiplayer game client

Do you remember the game Simon says from the 80s? I don’t know about you, but I know many that spent hours trying to press those specific sequences of red, green, blue and yellow buttons in the correct order. But why play on your own? Join us to get hands-on experience with gRPC!

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Do you remember the game Simon says from the 80s? I don’t know about you, but I know many that spent hours trying to press those specific sequences of red, green, blue and yellow buttons in the correct order. But why play on your own? We’ve implemented a gRPC server that allows you to play Simon with other players over the internet!

In this workshop we will dive into the toolset and libraries to build your very own Simon Says client for this server. We will have a message description in Protocol Buffers format and some stub code in several languages ready for you to play with. The goal for this workshop is for you to have a working client that you can use to play (and beat!) other attendees of the workshop.

Mete Atamel

Developer Advocate at Google

Robert Kubis

@GoogleCloud Developer Advocate, Do-it mentality, Enthusiast. Enjoying #tech trends, #food, #travel, all kinds of outdoor activities,

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