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Hand's on Web Components with Polymer

Deux heures pour découvrir les composants web et Polymer, pour passer des concepts à la création d'une première application web complète avec Polymer.

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The W3C has been working on a Web Components standard for almost three years, but it is still a work in progress. But polyfills like allows current developers to use Web Components today, and incorporate to their apps widgets from any library of web components.

The best known of these libraries is Google's Polymer. In Google IO 2015 conference, Google has at last released the long awaited version 1.0 of Polymer, making it even faster, more stable and at least suitable for "serious" applications. In this lab you will use Polymer 1.0 with Material Design Polymer Elements to design and develop a web application using web components.

You will learn to use the following technologies:

  • Polymer and Web Components (for mobile and desktop)
  • The Paper Elements for Polymer (material design)
  • The integration of Polymer components in Angular (1 and 2) applications.

Mandatory Installs prior to lab: + npm + bower + your favorite HTML/CSS/JS IDE (I suggest Sublime Text)

Horacio Gonzalez

Spaniard lost in Brittany, unconformist coder, Java craftsman, dreamer and all-around geek

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