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Microservices with Spring Cloud and Netflix OSS

How can you build today a microservice oriented architecture with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Netflix OSS?

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Microservices and distributed architectures are all the hype right now; more than just buzzwords, we're actually refreshing our approach to application architecture - and it works.

But how does one build a microservice architecture?

Join this session and learn how we can do that with Spring Boot and the new Spring Cloud project incorporating Netflix OSS. We'll talk about:

  • Distributed/versioned configuration
  • Service registration and discovery
  • Routing
  • Service-to-service calls
  • Load balancing
  • Circuit Breakers
  • Async programming
  • Distributed messaging

You'll leave this session with a better understanding of microservices and distributed application problems and concrete examples with Netflix OSS and their integration with Spring Boot.

Brian Clozel

Spring Framework, Spring for GraphQL and Spring Boot committer

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